43,40 €
SKU: EKG6832
Exxentric kGrips are essential for unlocking the versatility of any flywheel device suitable for both upper and lower body training


Exxentric kGrips are essential for unlocking the versatility of any flywheel device suitable for both upper and lower body training. They are comfortable, flexible, lightweight and available in different variations to accommodate more natural range of motion during exercise and thus minimize joint stress.

The kGrip is perfect for many different pulling exercises such as front raises, hammer curls, deadlifts, high pulls and rows. You can either perform an exercise with maximum effort and strength using both grips, or when focusing on balance (one leg RDL) and rotational strength (single hand row) you may only need one kGrip. While this accessory is often included in many kBox & kPulley systems, it can also be used for traditional weight training, particularly when it comes to the A90 variant, which comes with additional instructions for maximum utility and performance.


Exxentric kGrips are always available in packs of two, where each kGrip weighs only around 100g. This prevents unnecessary energy being wasted in overcoming gravity, as when using a heavy iron grip for example. This transfers more energy to the flywheel for use in the eccentric phase.

Adapting to your preferred angles through varying range of motion as you exercise also helps maximize training stimuli and minimize joint stress.

The coating is designed to be particularly comfortable and safe, and premium materials are selected for optimal functionality.

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